In Communities

Jane and Nubiya were able to visit beautiful Ikpiarjuk / Arctic Bay from May 20 to 24, 2024. They were warmly welcomed by everyone in the community. They wished to have had more time in Arctic Bay to see everyone. They wish to thank everyone for all their kindness and generosity. Although our visit was brief, their visit has left a lasting impression on their hearts.
Nubiya and Olivia visited Kugaaruk and Taloyoak to meet with students, community members and stakeholders. It was fun to watch prizes being given out in Kugaaruk after the fishing derby, there were so many happy faces! Both communities were welcoming and everyone was kind during our visit – thank you for your hospitality. What a beautiful community Kugaaruk and Taloyoak are.
Mariama and Katie travelled to Kimmirut during the first week of May. The weather was gorgeous, and the community was incredibly welcoming. Highlights of the trip included chatting with children at the playground, enjoying the scenery, having a tour of the community and attending a fitness class. Thank you to all who took the time to meet with us and made our visit so fun!
Mariama and Olivia had the pleasure of visiting Chesterfield Inlet where they met with community members, service providers, children and youth. It was both of their first times visiting Chesterfield Inlet and they had a hard time saying goodbye! One of the highlights of the trip was meeting with students and staff and running four self-advocacy workshops. Students were engaged and curious during the activities and left with information about our office and some office swag. We thank the community for being so welcoming and we look forward to returning someday!
Two Representative for Children and Youth Office's staff recently traveled to Resolute Bay. Thanks to all the children, youth, and community members who welcomed them. They had a wonderful time getting to know everyone and were very excited to join the skating activities at the arena!

Olivia and Nubiya met with children, youth, community members, and service providers while in beautiful Pond Inlet. The community was extremely welcoming and the RCYO is grateful for the kind hospitality we received while there. Some of the highlights were taking a tour of the community wellness center and the women’s shelter, meeting with very engaging and caring community service providers, and presenting to the Hamlet Council.  Another great highlight of our visit was spending time with the high school students and teachers during our Raise Your Voice: Self-Advocacy Workshop.

Mariama and Katie had a wonderful, and busy, visit in Cambridge Bay. Some of the highlights were playing games and having pizza with a girls’ group at the Elders’ Palace and seeing friendly faces wearing RCYO hats out-and-about in the community. Thank you to the community of Cambridge Bay for making us feel so welcome!
While in Clyde River, Nubiya and Nancy met so many amazing children and youth! The highlights were many but we really want to give a big shout out to the staff and youth attending the Illisaqsivik Society as well as the vice principal, teachers, and students from Quluaq School for being so welcoming. It was wonderful to take a tour of the Piqqusilirivvik Inuit Cultural Learning Facility and eat their delicious country food. We took part in the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation community BBQ and saw many young people wearing RCYO orange bracelets, toques, and tattoos that week.

Diana’s trip to Coral Harbour involved visits to various service providers and the Sakku school. Students seemed to enjoy participating in the Raise Your Voice: Self-Advocacy Workshop and Sila is Cold presentations. Thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality!



It was a great visit to Baker Lake for Diana. While in Baker Lake Diana delivered several Raise Your Voice: Self-Advocacy Workshops and Sila is Cold: The Igloo Game presentations. Thank you to both schools and the community for being so welcoming. A highlight for Diana was getting to know people at the Northern.
