How We Help

Our office helps young Nunavummiut know their rights and we make sure the Government of Nunavut supports and protects these rights.

Essentially, we make sure:

  • you can access government programs and services,
  • government programs and services meet your needs, and
  • government considers what you think in decisions made about you.


It is the mandate of the Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) to make sure legislation, policies, procedures, programs, and services put in place by Government of Nunavut departments and designated authorities (departments) provide ethical, equitable, and consistent outcomes that meet the needs and support the rights of young Nunavummiut, and the families, who rely on them.

  • Ethical means that something is morally good or correct.
  • Equitable means fair and impartial, equal or the same for everyone.
  • Consistent means something is done the same way every time.

If anyone has a complaint about a department's service, or is unable to receive a service for a young person and/or their family, they can bring it to the attention of our office for review. All information reported to our office is confidential and can be reported anonymously.

The Representative for Children and Youth (Representative) is an independent officer who reports to the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut (Legislative Assembly) and the public.

The RCYO currently works in four different program areas including:

Individual Advocacy

Systemic Advocacy

Public Awareness

Reviews of Critical Injuries and Deaths