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Public Awareness

Part of our mandate is to raise Nunavummiut’s awareness of child rights and to share information about how our office works to make sure department's legislation, policies, procedures, programs, and services meet the needs and support the rights of young people, and the families, who rely on them.

Our communications and public awareness work takes many forms, including presentations and information sessions, community engagement, attending public events, contests, developing and distributing information and promotional materials, and maintaining our office’s website. All of these initiatives share the goal of building and strengthening relationships with our many stakeholders including children, youth, families, community members, the departments, the Legislative Assembly, and the media. 

Every year we strategically plan public awareness initiatives while continually looking for new opportunities to engage with Nunavummiut, as our resources allow.

One of our most comprehensive public awareness initiatives is our community engagement work. As our office is located in Iqaluit and we work on behalf of all Nunavummiut, we aim to visit twelve Nunavut communities annually, which means we are in each community at least once every two years. When in communities we set up information tables in public spaces, talk about our work on community radio, host education sessions with service providers and other community members, facilitate our Raise Your Voice: Self-Advocacy Workshop in schools, and take part in community events and activities when possible. Additionally, we work to create space and time to hear directly from Nunavummiut about current problems affecting young people in each community.