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Child rights and self-advocacy book now available in Nunavut classrooms

March 19, 2019

Iqaluit, NU - The Representative for Children and Youth Office (RCYO) is pleased to announce the publication of Mosesie Speaks Up, the first book in RCYO’s Tamatta Pijunnautiqaqtugut Reading Series. The book, created in collaboration with the Department of Education and Inhabit Education, was developed to support Grade 3 reading levels in Uqalimaariuqsaniq, the Department of Education’s guided reading program.

As the RCYO is committed to advancing the rights of children and youth in Nunavut and promoting their voice, “creating this resource has been a priority for our office,” says Sherry McNeil-Mulak, the Representative for Children and Youth. “The story of Mosesie advocating for himself, with the help of his family, is a story that we hope encourages young Nunavummiut to feel more comfortable when speaking up for themselves.”

In addition to supporting the development of self-advocacy skills, Mosesie Speaks Up also aims to increase the reader’s self-awareness, encourage healthy coping strategies, promote positive relationships, and demonstrate the importance of effective communication. Extension activities for Mosesie Speaks Up were developed to help educators engage students in the subject matter, and provide support to facilitate discussions around children’s rights in their classrooms.

Mosesie Speaks Up is available in all Nunavut schools in Inuktitut and English as of March 2019, with Inuinnaqtun and French to follow.


For more information:

Kim Foster
Manager of Communications and Public Awareness
Representative for Children and Youth Office
867-975-5091 |