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Inuit Societal Values

It is a legislative requirement that the work of the Representative be guided by the same eight Inuit Societal Values that guide the departments. These principles are based on Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and aim to incorporate traditional Inuit knowledge into modern, everyday practices.

How do Inuit societal values and child rights work together?


This value emphasizes working together for a common cause. Our office recognizes there are many organizations and people dedicated to the well-being of Nunavut’s children and youth. We are committed to listening to alternative perspectives. We also recognize the value of communication with the public, our key partners and stakeholders to build a sense of common purpose.


Inuit highly value qanuqtuurniq, or being innovative and resourceful. We embrace qanuqtuurniq to ensure we consider all solutions to issues affecting individual young people. We are committed to practicing alternative problem-solving and lateral thinking. Our systemic advocacy work also provides us with opportunities to make innovative recommendations. Such recommendations can improve the well-being of young people as a whole.


This value is about serving and providing for family and community. It’s about leading through doing for other people. It’s about serving others for the greater good. We are here to serve young Nunavummiut with the hope of supporting Nunavummiut as a whole. We do this in a way that cultivates service excellence. We believe supporting the rights of young Nunavummiut benefits whole families and communities.


Inuuqatigiitsiarniq guides us to respect and care for other people and our relationships so that we can all live together in harmony. We are committed to addressing issues facing young Nunavummiut in a way that respects all those we work with. We show respect and care for young people by encouraging them to express themselves, according to their age and maturity. We respect the role healthy families and communities play in raising children to become whole human beings.


Tunnganarniq emphasizes the role being open, welcoming and inclusive plays in fostering positive relationships. We are dedicated to taking the time for people, making ourselves available and creating an environment where children and youth are comfortable seeking support. Our office also seeks to be inclusive through ongoing and open communication with stakeholders and the public.


This value means decision making through discussion and consensus. Children and youth help guide our decision making. Our office ensures young people are involved in our work. We encourage them to be partners in resolving issues with government. We always begin our work with government departments through respectful discussion.


Pilimmaksarniq is about learning and mastering new skills through observation, mentoring, practice and effort. We are committed to looking for opportunities to encourage children and youth to acquire new skills. One of our key areas of work, individual advocacy, includes coaching young people in how to advocate for themselves. We also provide opportunities to young people to act as youth advisors to our office.

Avatittinnik Kamatsiarniq

Avatittinnik Kamatsiarniq is about respect and care for the land, animals and the environment. Inuit enjoy a long-standing relationship with the land. Our office recognizes the benefits of this relationship for children and youth today. We are committed to supporting stakeholder efforts to nurture this. Our office is also committed to environment-friendly practices. We believe respecting the environment today, demonstrates respect for future generations.