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RCY's Visit to Chesterfield Inlet

Nancy, our systemic investigator and Odile, our manager of communications, recently came back from meeting young people and service providers in the communities of Chesterfield Inlet and Rankin Inlet. Here is what Nancy had to say about their trip:

“The Kivalliq travel was a lot of fun and it allowed us to meet some amazing people. While in Chesterfield Inlet, we met with staff and students at Victor Sammurtok School. We also met with a respected elder who provided us with some meaningful insight about children and youth in Chesterfield Inlet. We were also given an opportunity to visit the Naja Isabelle Home and meet with several other service providers. I played some ball hockey at the gym in the evening while Odile hung-out with a group of young girls that tested her mathematical skills! It was a great visit.

After several delays due to weather, we made our way back to Rankin Inlet. While there, we visited a few service providers to get their input on children’s rights, and we were able to provide some information about our office and what we do as well. We also hung-out at the Northern store where we met a few children and their parents. Our stay in Rankin Inlet was brief but it was good to see so much interest in knowing what we can do to support children and youth.”