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Media Inquiries


May 22, 2019

Iqaluit, NU - The Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) has completed their review of mental health services for young Nunavummiut. Today, the RCYO will release their report, Our Minds Matter: A Youth-Informed Review of Mental Health Services for Young Nunavummiut.

Children’s rights in Canada were under siege in 2018. Young people who are marginalized, vulnerable and involved with government systems, saw their rights curtailed and voices silenced. It is imperative that Canadians join us to demand their governments act to advance and uphold the rights of children and youth. To not take action is to fail them.

March 19, 2019

Iqaluit, NU - The Representative for Children and Youth Office (RCYO) is pleased to announce the publication of Mosesie Speaks Up, the first book in RCYO’s Tamatta Pijunnautiqaqtugut Reading Series. The book, created in collaboration with the Department of Education and Inhabit Education, was developed to support Grade 3 reading levels in Uqalimaariuqsaniq, the Department of Education’s guided reading program.

November 20, 2018 –The Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) encourages all Canadians to participate in National Child Day activities across the country today and throughout the week.

The Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) will be celebrating National Child Day this week and encourages all Nunavummiut to do the same.

Each year, November 20 is commemorated as National Child Day, the day Canada ratified the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The CRC details all basic human rights that children and youth hold and outlines the important responsibility that government and community play in helping young people realize these rights.

For Immediate Release

Iqaluit, NU — The fourth annual Your Story, Your Voice contest hosted by the Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) launches today. The contest is open to all kindergarten to grade 12 classes in Nunavut schools.

For Immediate Release

Iqaluit, NU – Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) staff have been reaching out to young people in Nunavut communities for their input on mental health services for children and youth.

In October 2017, the RCYO announced their review of these services and as part of that review, RCYO staff have been administering surveys to youth in schools throughout the Kilikmeot, Kivalliq, and Baffin regions. To date, more than 140 surveys have been completed by young Nunavummiut.

TORONTO (January 31, 2018) – Following last week’s emergency meeting on Indigenous child welfare in Ottawa, convened by Indigenous Services Minister Jane Philpott and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett, the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) has issued the following statement:

TORONTO, Jan. 30, 2018 /CNW/ - As a national organization of provincial and territorial child and youth advocates, the Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA) finds Bill C-45, An Act respecting cannabis and to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, the Criminal Code and other Acts, which takes effect in July 2018, concerning in a number of areas.