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Representative for Children and Youth’s Office releases report on mental health services for young Nunavummiut

May 22, 2019

Iqaluit, NU - The Representative for Children and Youth’s Office (RCYO) has completed their review of mental health services for young Nunavummiut. Today, the RCYO will release their report, Our Minds Matter: A Youth-Informed Review of Mental Health Services for Young Nunavummiut.

In the report, the RCYO issues 15 recommendations to the Government of Nunavut. The report also details the office’s investigation process, findings, and highlights the voices of young Nunavummiut and their ideas on how to improve the mental health system to better meet their needs.

“As laid out in Articles 24 and 39 of the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child, all children and youth are entitled to adequate health care, including mental health care, and governments must support these rights” said the Representative for Children and Youth, Sherry McNeil-Mulak.

While there are positive initiatives and dedicated individuals working to provide mental health services to young people across the territory, the current system is inadequate and failing to meet the needs of Nunavut’s children and youth. “We cannot expect outcomes to change without committing to a significant investment and shift in how we support the mental health needs of young Nunavummiut,” said McNeil-Mulak. This is the first systemic review conducted by the RCYO. A press conference to mark the report’s release will be held at the RCYO today from 9:30 to 10:30 am.

For more information:

Kim Foster
Manager of Communications and Public Awareness
Representative for Children and Youth Office
867-975-5091 |

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