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Elder Advisors Orientation Held June 2016

The RCY’s office held an orientation with its new Elder Advisors this past June in Iqaluit. The life experience and knowledge of Inuit culture and history that our five Elder Advisors have are essential to our work supporting children and youth in Nunavut. 

Our Elder Advisors currently consists of five Elders from across Nunavut. They are: Meeka Arnakaq, Pangnirtung; Lucy Makkigak, Rankin Inlet; Regilee Ootook, Pond Inlet; Helen Iguptak, Rankin Inlet; and Bessie Sitatak, Kugluktuk.

At the orientation, our Elder Advisors introduced themselves and shared their life stories, thoughts, suggestions and views on how to support children and youth. The Representative for Children & Youth also spoke about the responsibilities of the office’s Elder Advisors, as well as the roles and responsibilities of our staff. We look forward to continuing our work together over the coming years!